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How do you find the spanking scene shown on this page? I have not been able to get it

Christmas event. Not accessible now.

I might have to wait 2 more weeks but im glad it got updated

Really enjoyed this, one question though, what happened to three houses and where can I download it?


Story was actually good and I definitely want to see where it’ll lead. Even the side characters are quite interesting. Amazing work, JYP Games, really. Oh and one question, I bought Rita’s contract and that storyline ended. I can’t see new quests, does that mean this is it for this version?

Thanks for the message. 

There should be a yellow message that says that you've completed everything when the version is done.

Some quests rely on you doing other quests to unlock first, so make sure you do everything else to proceed.

If you can't see any new quests, try sleeping and seeing if something happens. Otherwise, there is probably something wrong with the save. I know that it's possible that this can happen but it's hard to find the error in the code. I think this is issue involves using the LEWD options, but I'm not completely certain. 

I think you should try to load from an older save and avoid using this (again, not 100% sure where the error is).

Oh uh, I saved many times but I really don’t know which one I should go back to. Also I’m not sure if it would really help since we can’t really say when it started going in the wrong direction. But I realized I didn’t unlock 3 of Estelle’s scenes, and 2 lewd scenes as well. So I guess it probably happened in the early game. Oh well, I already poured about 10~ hours into the game but maybe I could start a new save when you release a new version in the future. Though I hope I can find the motivation to go through the entire game again. Again, amazing work, thanks for your efforts 💙


Interesting storyline. Not really much to interact with, Can't even walk around the city and many cases need the map to leave a room. The only other issue is not a fan of the beta simp type mc. Or the guy thats into his Mom and sister. A stepmom and stepsister is fine. 


cant spell win without incest


There is no Mom and Sister in this game.


just wondering if there is any futa's or femboys and if there ever will?


please understand that most people don't like that sort of thing and many more would be upset at its inclusion than enjoy it. Its better to look for games that already have it than to pressure devs to add it. If you want a starting point try "Dimension 69".

No, sorry. The game is fairly vanilla.

hi jypgames I'm new I'm playing your game and I liked the game  Scarlet Law question when is the new update in the game Scarlet Law if that I am Russian when will there be a Russian translation game class Scarlet Law

Hi Hexux. Sorry, but I don't have any intention of offering an translation in a different language.

Is there a way to change the protagonist's name?  I ask because I reinstalled the game and it no longer shows the name that I chose for the protagonist at the beginning of the story in my previous saved game, and now in all the texts where the name of the protagonist appeared they refer to him by the text "none".

Yes, you can. If you start a new game and rename your character / assign roles to your Landlady and Roommate, it will carry over to all of your other saves. So edit your roles/names there, then load up your recent save. It should work there.

I hope mc is talking about peak ISEKAI fiction (Re:Zero) 

I played this game for only 4 hours today and all I can say is that the story is good, but I'll be very honest, the animation needs some improvement if possible. But yeah I still love this game as the way it is for now. :D

is the discord only for those who pay?


Nope. It's open to all last I checked.

Is just say not able to join every time i try


3 possibilities. 

1. you're under 18 and the server is set to 18+ only.

2. the link expired.(Most likely)

3. You've previously been banned from the server.

Here's a temporary link  :

No, anyone can come and chat in the Discord (I encourage it). However, certain roles are provided for paid supporters.




Just started playing, but im here to give props to the Devs for putting in the suicide hotline number! In the beginning... 

I'm using computer windows to download this and it has always been fine but from 3.16 onwards everytime i try to extract files from the zip file downloaded it freezes and i've tried deleteing it and re-installing but nothing works. what should i do?

How is your storage space? That sounds like an issue that occurs when you don't have enough room in your hard drive.

I got 60GB free space, but the problem is resolved now. i needed to update and re-start the computer.


I would love to see a choice tree/walkthrough for this game, something showing how to collect all the girls, the critical choices.


is the game in spanish?

No, sorry. I don't speak Spanish so it wouldn't be right for me to offer an official Spanish version of the game.

When will the new authorization be in time to see it?

Ícono de validado por la comunidad

how to unlock the scene of spanking Estell

Look at character sheet itll tell you what you need. You gotta trigger it by getting candy from the store after that i forgot but its basically easy after that event

Sorry  I can'  understand. Will I trigger it if i follow the main quest?Or is there something specific i need to do?

Yes keep doing all main quests and try to interact with her as well to trigger it preferably evening also like i said buy candy from the shop near your house and give her candy when shes in the living room 


I can only get parfait from the coffee shop, is that true?

How far are you because candy should be available like 4 missions after the start of the game

hey jyp. 

last time i playing this game on android i have some problem (i mean scene thing, also pict quality). 

i forgot wich version but are you fixed that?


Dear designer:

I want to see more spanking scenes of Estelle!!! Especially at the academy(or just in school uniform and spank bare butt),such as a spanking as a teacher and a student (discipline).

Or take it as a daily schedule,since Estelle has asked the character to help with her study,why not take spanking as a daily discipline to encourage her study.Maybe every afternoon helping her with her homework,we can add a spanking content after checking her homework!

That's my opinion.Hope you can take them into consideration!Thank you!


I love Tori as well,maybe adding more scene of spanking or other scenes of Tori will be better!


Silvia amazing)


BRO I AM DYING XD, the whole tik tok part has me dying, i didnt think it would actually open a tik tok page, but what really got me was the fact atm we cant open tik tok in the US due to the ban xD. thought it was gunna be somthing you can do in game lamo


how do i get this scene of estelle

Does in the back story of celestia, did she get raped by the man who trying to sell her? Im kinda curious about her past and btw i want to see more content about her :). 

How come no one has made a fan wiki for this game? It would be so much easier to get answers for questions that way. For example, how do I get to the magic academy? From what I can tell, someone here answered that the academy is accessible after encountering the one called Rita...That doesn't really answer the question because now it creates a new one. How and when do I encounter Rita? You see the issues here? Just asking questions here to receive answers only leads to more questions.

You gotta run through Estelle and Silvia's quest lines to get there. Eventually, you'll end up just going there as a favor to Silvia.

How to raise kanae's feelings


So, good game...

...that being said. I absolutely despise the princess. It just seems so contrived that you force the players to continuously save up ten's of thousands of dollars every time to move the story along because the princess is a slave pushing, greedy, bitch. Other than that I do enjoy the other characters here. I just really don't like dealing with the princess and her antics. 

I have a feeling of where the story is going with her, and I really hope we get to knock her down a couple thousand stairs worth of ego/self-rightiousness. Horrible horrible person no matter how you look at it. Glad she hasn't got any Romance options so far.


I'm really looking forward for what's to come next. You've done such a amazing job with this so far. Keep me posted for the next update. 

Sincerely thanks to you JYP. You've given me reason to keep living. 


I have no clue if i'm just lacking the braincells to find it, but I for the life of me cannot find the academy. I've purchased estelle and sylivas contracts and I've clicked around just about everywhere to try and find it and cannot. 

People actually have been asking this question a lot so I'm worried that it might possibly be a bug, but... 

If you continue with the story, you will unlock the academy eventually. This should trigger after meeting Rita.


I’m not sure I just bought Serena’s and Makoto’s contract and last left off unlocked the church so I’m unsure. I’ve literally clicked around everywhere and tried everything and still have had no luck finding it or getting the event that triggers it.

I’ll let you know when I trigger the meeting with Rita and see if it fixes itself. 


okay :) got the interaction with rita after giving estelle sylvias bento box and got the academy on my map.

Just wanted to ask...will we actually not have "that" scene with Estelle? I played this game a while back and mostly forgot stuff.

which scene? I've not played in months 

Sorry I don't understand what you're asking here.

If you mean the one in the second frame to the right of the game description, probably not. It appears to be part of some kind of seasonal event, and there does not seem to be a replay for it.

how do you start the Christmas event?

There is no Xmas event for this year, but if you're referring to last year's seasonal event, you will unlock it eventually (I believe once you acquire the characters involved in the scene).

I'm having quite the error, I cannot progress Azula's affection above 14, I just visited the hot springs and I still have the quest for it but going to Azula does nothing, it simply states I've maxed out her affection.

Might be an issue. I can't determine/fix the problem unless I view your save file, but I would recommend restarting unfortunately.

I figured it oout, I had to buy makato's contract before I could advance there


How do I get to the magic academy? 

It says I should go there from day one. Playing for quite a bit now (I've bought the contracts of Silvia, Estelle, Serena and Makoto, and I just only encountered Celestia). 

No sign of the academy yet. Am I missing something? Or am I just too impatient?

Never mind! I've found it! 

Where did you find it? I can't find it

same cannot find it

Just have patience. It takes a while to get there. But it will show up automatically at some point. 


Good job.


Long time no see i was thinking what to play and remembered this game i have a question how could i get my progress from my phone to my PC or its not possible and good luck with this project.

Im not an expert but you could try plugging your phone to your Pc and transfering the file. Idk if its the solution but its worth a try aint it?

As a poster mentioned, you should be able to drag the save file from your phone to your save folder on PC. You can also just transfer this file through any file sharing app (e.g. Drive)



When will the update be made public? I can’t wait.


the little sister kinda killed the mood of the game for me she's way too childish and immature and her tsundere personality is too much but other than that i absolutely love the story the game is fun as h e double hockysticks   


Was just thinking about this game yesterday. Nice to see it wasn't abandoned.


wtf, i never thought Altina would be the funniest chara, i love her prayer time hahahaha

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