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I'm loving the game so far! I'm currently using MacOS and I'm not sure how to transfer my save data to the next update, when I look at the contents of the game it doesn't have a Save folder available please help!!!

Hi, thank you for the kind words. Save folder can be found at: ~/Library/RenPy/game_directory. Hope this helps.

does the game temporarily end when you only have the Acquire the hot springs at the town hall and the duel to the death quests in your task screen since they both aren't available?

It means that you have to wait for a newer update to proceed.

which one is the recent file when launching the game.


Amazing game my questions are are you going to add more sence with each character (i got curiosity on a few).  And when are you gonna update your game (estimated date would be great please) keep up with the great work.


Thank you. Next update will be sometime this month. 

thanks can't wait


Great job so far! The backgrounds fit well with the character stills and the writing is engaging enough to keep your attention. I also like the premise of the story and the hints at a darker history behind it all. I'm looking forward to seeing more! Keep it up!


you need a way we can track stats like speed, luck, and strength

Hey loved the update, didn't go though the whole update but you said Matoko needed a Patreon code to afford, liked the scare the first time but I wish there was a way to not see the message more than once as after the first time I have no reason to believe (and if you actually make Rita Path Patreons only, why? you can't do that to us!) also something about the church seems off, it's not that it looks bad but something about it doesn't look like it belongs in a set with the other locations

Hi Foreman. Thanks for the comment. I want to say that Patreon is nothing more than a way to support me. It has zero influence on completing the content within the game (so far). All references to Patreon are small jokes/plugins. Rita's path is not fully finished and is currently not available in this version. Also, I plan on changing the background for the church. I also had issues with it (namely it being too bright so it was hard to read text). It should be fixed for next update.

Wait, so If I download the new version, I have to start over again? Weak.

no, you can move your old saves

how so? could you briefly tell me?

in the game folder there's a folder called saves, move that to the new game folder

Your previous saves should work without any issue. 90% sure there won't be any issues.


Hey, started the game like 15 minutes on android and first i gotta say that everything is toooo bright. Its hurting my eyes a lot, would appreciate some sort of custom adjust on the text menu brightness and change the fade in - fade out color from white to black. The letter is hard to read as well and my phone is not small. 

So far i like the story a lot, but rip my eyes.


Hi, I'm sorry that you have that issue. From the screenshot that you showed me, you are currently using the old 0.1.3 version of the game. I just uploaded 0.1.4 a few hours ago and the text font has been changed. I recommend that you download the newer version. Although, I don't know if the new text will help your eyes, I certainly hope it does. Thank you for playing my game.

So I started the game but there are no images whatsoever. Everytime I get an error message with the trace back text and the message ingame that there was an error loading all the images. Any solution for this?

This is my first time learning of this issue. Is this your first time playing the game? Have you tried reinstalling it? Have you tried starting the game from the start?

Hey man, sorry for the late reply... I totally forgot about my comment because shortly after it worked just fine. Probably just an issue while extracting the files because after re-downloading the game etc., it worked. Sorry again, I hope I didn't cause any trouble or unnecessary work for you.

Love your game btw! <3


Hey I just wanted to say I am really enjoying the game thus far plan on sending some support when I am able.


Believe me, you're already supporting me with your kind words. I really appreciate it and I hope I can continue to impress you in the future.


Right after the naked apron scene it crashed. Said:

While running game code:
  File "game/code03.rpy", line 517, in <module>
NameError: name 'endless' is not defined

Even after saving right before hand and loading, it kept doing it.

Yep, it's an error which will be fixed in the next update. Thanks for submitting it.

I hope you make a mega link cauz the download on android link is not working i think cauz when it nearly finished it stoped and says forbiden i think mega link is safer

Deleted 4 years ago

you get money from doing chores in the house, working at the store or at the blacksmith?

That's funny I always get the money just fine, just do chores and work for the store everyday and you should be fine, also I'm pretty sure there's no difference between getting it payed just in time and doing it on the earliest possible day, so you should be fine 

I played this game when it was Burgundy Law, I still have the game, if I download this, will I lose my progress?

(1 edit)

Hi, Mr Gritz,

You should start a new game. Hope that helps!

the new update was good i enjoyed it 7/10

When I go back to my old saves and go to gallery it crashes, however on new games it works just fine

I believe I know what the issue is and it will (probably) be fixed for next update.

yes, it works, thanks


Don't tell me Makoto is patreons only

Deleted 4 years ago

Lol this is the best update i ever see it took only 4 days to available in public


Love the new update! Wondering about the gender of the other hero's descendants, have a feeling that Rita might be one, but its fine either way, so long as we can add her to the harem eventually. 

Time will tell :)

Deleted post

I'll look into fixing this. Some others have complained about this as well.

That happens with me too, need to see if it's a glitch with using old saves or if it happens with new files too

does that happen with new saves or only when transferring saves?


I found this game by chance here. I think I've finished everything for now and I have to say that at first I thought it would be a pretty sad or generic plot, but I find it interesting, funny and you know how to keep the player's attention. I look forward to the new version! Although I have already read it out there, I hope that in the future you will make a discord to be able to be more aware of everything and participate in the community so we can give you feedback and suggestions. If you haven't done it already, I recommend that you also promote yourself on f95zone (if someone hasn't already gotten ahead of you). This game has great potential and a future with a lot of content if you know how to manage it well. I hope your project goes well and maybe in the future I can support you. Nice job. +1000 for having H animations hehe

Wow, thank you so much for the kind words! I just released 0.1.3 to the public, I'm not sure if that's the version you played but I definitely recommend that you give it a try if you haven't! Your old save SHOULD work for it, so most of the content is already done. As for a discord, I'm still debating whether or not I want to do it. This is currently just a hobby for me, but I hope to one day devote my full time to it.


Oh yeah my bad heh

When I did the review it was about the previous version. I just played the new, short but interesting and funny! Keep up the good work :)

Deleted 2 years ago
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When will the free version of 1.3 come out?

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When it updates is there a way to continue my save?


You can copy the files of your saves and then paste them in the game's data folder once you download the new version


Man, I didn't want to comment until I was done BUT since the game has a stats system but no actual stats screen to keep track of aforementioned element, I need to ask: what is needed and how much of it to defeat (or kill) Rita? I'm currently focused on training with Ferry and giving "essence" to Azula. Already finished everything else, just need to beat Rita now (if it's possible and I hope it is).

(1 edit)

I'm sorry but the Rita questline is currently not finished. It will be available in a future update. I don't know when but the script is about 50% complete.

Stats currently do nothing except improve money gained from work. In the future, I'm planning on implement more uses for the stats but right now, they don't do much.

Deleted post

Next update

Wasn't this called burgundy law before

Yeah, I had to change it due to Burgundy being a real country. It was only the first version though, so it was a quick change.


Hello, i started playing the game two versions ago, and i just wanted to say that i really really enjoyed it. The plot is very original, the characters' design is good, and i especially liked the narration and the dialogues, they are well written and some scenes are really funny.  Best wishes to you and to the game


Thank you very, very much for the kind words. Believe me, when you do this as a hobby, words like that are very encouraging. I hope you look forward to the next update!

hey I've noticed something that don't add up, I've chosen to make Silvia and Estelle my mother and sister and Estelle is younger than the MC but when Azula come to the house Silvia says she wasn't ever with a man after MC father left, can you fix that?

Hi Foreman42,

Hm, I can see why you'd think this is an inconsistency so I've fixed it for the next version of the game. Thank you for the comment and for pointing this out to me! Hope you look forward to the next version!


Great game! Really looking forward to playing more. Is there a discord server for this game? If not would you make one?

Hey, thanks for the response! I plan on making a discord in the future once I get a bigger fanbase. Again, I really appreciate the kind words and please look forward to the next update.


graet job, can't wait till we can buy Makoto's contract, also are we gonna get our revenge on the power girls?

(2 edits)

We will see in the future...


love both of your games, but can you bring three house back to,??

Sorry, Three Houses is gone. :(

also do you have a Twitter 


is the last quest the shower one as of now

The "last" scenes in version 0.1.0 is the shower scene and buying X's contract. As for Twitter, I don't update it very often since I'm still in early development but I would appreciate the follow. My Twitter handle is @jyp_games 

You can also find this information on my profile page. Thank you for playing.

I know this game is in early development, so I'm not writing this to be mean or anything. But A few more contracts and a few more "Events" and this game could be really good, I'm looking forward to see more of the princess.

Keep upp the good work


Nice game. Is there an update soon?

the names i gave silvia and estelle dont work

it just gives them the default names

Hi Nate, you cannot change their names. You can only change your relationship with them.


nice game waiting for the next update

Where can I get the soundtrack? There's some funky stuff.

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