Been playing this for a few days and I've been really enjoying it. One thing that gets annoying though: instead of late noon, it should really say afternoon :p Looking forward to the updates!
Im stuck at "Visit the Builders Guild in the morning" it says unavailable. I just finished sparing with Viera in the dojo, then this quest popped and now I don't know what to do.
-The sleep message (skips a day) should probably be changed to something like ends the day, as its a bit misleading -Serena's price is listed as both 40k and 20k during different dialogues. -The house repair for Azula is listed at 3k price early on, but suddenly becomes 750 -For Ferry her scenes require you to go at noon, but occur at the normal evening shes there so that's a bit weird. -After talking to Rita and asking for more time, you can go to the mage guild and work for her which seems a bit off. -Besides that the rep grind per story segment feels a bit overly long, perhaps dropping the rep reqs to 5 instead of 10 would make it feel more reasonable as often the content per 20/30 rep is very very short. Content itself is pretty good though and game has potential.
Hi, I'm trying to install this game on my android device and I have tried 8 times so far and right at the end it keeps saying APP NOT INSTALLED. What's going on with this damn thing can someone please help me?
Thanks Hentaihime, you were spot on. I had so much junk on my device that I was not using that it was taking up loads of space so I erased it all, tried again and now it works. So, thanks for your help.
Thanks very much, it did work after deleting a load of unused junk and I must admit I love the storyline. I'm a story writer myself, would you be open to suggestions for future updates?
Thanks for the compliment. You have to complete all other quests before continuing. If that doesn't work, then your save has a bug and you're going to have to start the game over.
I need help, I had the build 0.1.7 I deleted it and wanted to download the latest, but when I tried to install it, it says "Cannot read property "build" of undefined" can anyone help, also before I deleted, I copied my "saves" folder and pasted it somewhere else, hopefully the "saves" folder is all I needed to copy, should there be a different folder I should have copied?
So does anyone know the deal with updating the file on Android? I keep getting "App not installed". Is there really no way to simply update the files and continue the story without restarting?
Dude, I was just slightly annoyed. This person doesn't need to edit their comment for the sake of some random player. Your reaction may be correct but it's also pretty annoying and immature.
when you see stuff like that try to remember this is an international collective. English just might be their 3rd or 4th language. how's your Japanese grammar? German? the more ya know.
Tbf, i really like the game thus far. The only issues i have is with the estelle and silvia stuff. It's blatantly obvious that they are "mom and sis" even though the default setting is supposedly "landlady and roommate".
I know that it's not an easy task to change all old lines to conform to other situations (deffo not if you can pick whichever title you want for these 2), but estelle's 4th scene is just so blatantly referring to brother/sister stuff.
So i wanted to ask if there's something on the roadmap to maybe rewrite it or have an incest slider that toggles some of the lines? Cause not every perv who plays games like these enjoys the idea of screwing family members xP
Dude, I've asked this in every single comment section of every fucking game that contains (censored) incest, and I'm gonna ask here to you once again, as nicely as possible: if y'all fuck faces don't like it, WHY IN THE FUCK ARE YOU PLAYING?
With that out of the way, leaving to the player how to call the "household" memhers is one of the ways to avoid Patreon's wrath. The other way is simply putting the standard landylady, landlord, roomate, etc. and leaving the rest of the work to the dudes out there who make patches, something much safer for devs.
This is an error for people using the latest version of Android. Unfortunately, I do not know a work around on this yet. Hopefully, the newer version will work just fine.
I'm not on the dev team, but I'm going to guess that if enough people ask, your story could branch out into that if you choose (if it's not already being worked on, that is).
I saw some comments about where to see your stats, and I realized that there currently isn't a way. My suggestion is to simply add a page to see your stats and a tutorial explaining where to increase them. It would really come in handy so you know how to unlock different scenes the you don't have enough strength, intelligence, luck, poise, etc for. Modders are creating ways to do it because people want it, but not everyone can figure out how to mod games without the fear of ruining their save data. I just think it would be a way to help players understand what they need to do in the game a little bit better. Either that, or just explain how to increase your characteristics lol.
I have a question about Serena saying "Visit the shop at late noon" Is it a bug or Is there some requirements that I need to do? I'm actually stuck in the game. I can't Finish the Main mission without Finishing that Mission.
I read some other comments here it also have the same issue.
Played all over from the start again as the old version (0.1.6) doesnt or rather couldnt be use on the latest version, I did read the other comment in which I have the same problem.
Anyway, that wasnt the problem for me, what I wanted to mention or rather I'm not sure if I should complaining or rant about it, it was the "Duel to Death" to Rita, I did saw the devlog about it, no comment on the part where MC order/ask someone to fight for him, but what I'm reffering to was after the "Duel to Death" or rather the "MC saving Rita" part, does it really have to be out in an open and be seen by the public of you (MC) doing it? Wont it be better to bring Rita somewhere else first and do "that" afterward? I feel like the MC becomes a Total Idiot because of it (unless that is what you intend to).
I got no comment on anything else aside from "Saving Rita" part.
On the other hand I'm happy that the problem in the Gallery (about the replay) was fixed.
If you are on mobile, you must extract your save file, re-install, then drag your file back into the original folder. Your file can be found: File can be found in /Android/data/gamename/files
I don't have app extract it fine I'm ok replaying all over again thanks for helping. by chance did you add me new method getting money faster? that definitely would help if Im replaying all over again
Im so conflicted with this game. On one hand i love the premise and like where the story is going. On the other hand the mc just feels like such a pushover. Which sucks because he seemed pretty cool to start with but his flare just seems to have vanished.
so sorry if this is a bit of a ramble but but i just wanted to give you my thoughts. i think i've completed most of the current build cause i'm a little after the powder girl gets put in jail.
i feel like for what is meant to be porn game there are shockingly few sex/kinky scenes. the few that are there are fantastic and it is at it's strongest at those moments but they are just so sporadic and little of them that it feels a little disappointing. from my understanding the core fantasy here is basically gathering a harem of willing sex slaves and "saving" them is the context that makes it willing. and the girls fall into lots of popular tropes and archetypes and honestly it's a great idea and your execution of it is great when your focused on it. cumming on the sisters face and having her wear it all night was hot as hell and the nun that was masturbating while you spied and things she said while she did it were amazing. i was super disappointed when it the mc was found out.
the structure of both the main plot and the girls individual stories are all over the place. it's pretty clear the story progresses for each girls in the order you work on them and it shows as i'm playing. i think the game could benefit greatly if you had a more focused structure to work from and filled in the gaps of it when your able. like getting "x" number of girls to "y" affection level to continue the game and then give a decent size section to the main plot. you do that to some extent at the moment but when i say "x" number of girls i mean the number of girls the player is working on at the moment. so many stories can be left for a super long time despite me being interested in a couple of girls in particular. the sister and mother character basically get forgotten about for ages.
i think on average you should strive for about 80 to 90 percent of the affection levels to have some kind of kinky scene. you can mix in some lore stuff in if you want but the sexual fantasy of it is almost non existent at the moment and for a porn game that should be the highlight. context and story can bring the kinky scenes to whole new levels but we need some regular doses of it.
i also think the immersion of it could use a bit of work. the occasional 4th wall break has been a huge immersion breaker for me and cheapens it a bit in my opinion. i get its tongue in cheek stuff but it sucks me out of the moment every time it pops up. i also think some of this kinky stuff should be repeatable in world rather than through the replay feature. it sells the fantasy of building your ideal harem fantasy if say every morning if i go in the kitchen and my mom is there in her naked apron and we will bang if i ask her to. or if the nun gives you a key to a room with peep hole to the confessional cause she gets off on the thought that you might be watching her masturbating in there at any moment without her knowing. and she can have list of kinky stuff she will confess to that is selected at random. or you can choose to replace studying with your sister with cumming on her face to "improve" her magic power. it will give the player a feeling of hitting milestones and let them "partake" in their favorite girls repeatedly while keeping the immersion of it by putting it in the dialogue rather than redoing one time scenes from the pause menu.
sorry if that was a bit long but i was thinking about this stuff at work today and just wanted to vomit them out at you as they came back to me while i was sitting here. i hope to see more from you and i hope you give my ideas some consideration.
edit* as a bit of personal request i would love it if the sister wanted you to cum in her lunch in the morning to keep getting regular doses of "essence" to try and increase her mana. and the mother would jerk you off into it for you in her naked apron.
I agree with in world repeatable being desirable. As the Dev you have made the player completely passive. The player can never instigate a lewd scene in game. They can only hope one occurs when a milestone is reached.
I need help.. I can't trigger the side quest of Serena saying "Visit the shop at late noon".. Is there some requirements that I need to do so that I can trigger the event? I'm actually stuck in the game
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Been playing this for a few days and I've been really enjoying it. One thing that gets annoying though: instead of late noon, it should really say afternoon :p
Looking forward to the updates!
Im stuck at "Visit the Builders Guild in the morning" it says unavailable. I just finished sparing with Viera in the dojo, then this quest popped and now I don't know what to do.
It is still updated and developed so that story line isnt created yet
do you know the release date. I am super hooked. Love the story the characters. Thank you
You can get access to the new version by subscribing to patreon of the owner and download the beta
-The sleep message (skips a day) should probably be changed to something like ends the day, as its a bit misleading
-Serena's price is listed as both 40k and 20k during different dialogues.
-The house repair for Azula is listed at 3k price early on, but suddenly becomes 750
-For Ferry her scenes require you to go at noon, but occur at the normal evening shes there so that's a bit weird.
-After talking to Rita and asking for more time, you can go to the mage guild and work for her which seems a bit off.
-Besides that the rep grind per story segment feels a bit overly long, perhaps dropping the rep reqs to 5 instead of 10 would make it feel more reasonable as often the content per 20/30 rep is very very short. Content itself is pretty good though and game has potential.
how do i see my stats? its tells me am not bold enough with serena
my tasks say to purchase Makoto's contract but when I go to the place and press buy contracts I only have the nevermind option
you need to first talk to laurette using the talk option then check the view contracts option
Hi, I'm trying to install this game on my android device and I have tried 8 times so far and right at the end it keeps saying APP NOT INSTALLED. What's going on with this damn thing can someone please help me?
Depends could be you don't have enough storage? And is this the first time you installed the game?
Thanks Hentaihime, you were spot on. I had so much junk on my device that I was not using that it was taking up loads of space so I erased it all, tried again and now it works. So, thanks for your help.
no problem glad it worked out for you
Create a backup of your save. Delete the game then re-install. Hope this helps.
Thanks very much, it did work after deleting a load of unused junk and I must admit I love the storyline. I'm a story writer myself, would you be open to suggestions for future updates?
Thanks for the compliment. You have to complete all other quests before continuing. If that doesn't work, then your save has a bug and you're going to have to start the game over.
I need help, I had the build 0.1.7 I deleted it and wanted to download the latest, but when I tried to install it, it says "Cannot read property "build" of undefined" can anyone help, also before I deleted, I copied my "saves" folder and pasted it somewhere else, hopefully the "saves" folder is all I needed to copy, should there be a different folder I should have copied?
So does anyone know the deal with updating the file on Android? I keep getting "App not installed". Is there really no way to simply update the files and continue the story without restarting?
Transfer your saves
I thoroughly enjoy this game so far. I'm quite excited to see where it goes. The story is captivating and the characters are fun to interact with.
Serena best girl, and I hope that princess Laurete is not a bad person bec that would be sucks
I don't know why but your grammar is annoying me. I just felt like telling you.
Your life seems to be sad to the point where you think that anyone gives a fuck about grammar nazis. Dude, go hunt some pussy and leave people alone.
Dude, I was just slightly annoyed. This person doesn't need to edit their comment for the sake of some random player. Your reaction may be correct but it's also pretty annoying and immature.
when you see stuff like that try to remember this is an international collective. English just might be their 3rd or 4th language. how's your Japanese grammar? German? the more ya know.
Tbf, i really like the game thus far. The only issues i have is with the estelle and silvia stuff. It's blatantly obvious that they are "mom and sis" even though the default setting is supposedly "landlady and roommate".
I know that it's not an easy task to change all old lines to conform to other situations (deffo not if you can pick whichever title you want for these 2), but estelle's 4th scene is just so blatantly referring to brother/sister stuff.
So i wanted to ask if there's something on the roadmap to maybe rewrite it or have an incest slider that toggles some of the lines? Cause not every perv who plays games like these enjoys the idea of screwing family members xP
Dude, I've asked this in every single comment section of every fucking game that contains (censored) incest, and I'm gonna ask here to you once again, as nicely as possible: if y'all fuck faces don't like it, WHY IN THE FUCK ARE YOU PLAYING?
With that out of the way, leaving to the player how to call the "household" memhers is one of the ways to avoid Patreon's wrath. The other way is simply putting the standard landylady, landlord, roomate, etc. and leaving the rest of the work to the dudes out there who make patches, something much safer for devs.
lol. enough sugar coating Rogue- tell em how ya really feel ;)
Cant wait for an update 😌😌
how many hours of gameplay?
Bruh just be a fast hands
Game hasn't loaded past warning screen
This is an error for people using the latest version of Android. Unfortunately, I do not know a work around on this yet. Hopefully, the newer version will work just fine.
TY, I hope to get past it soon
First few minutes of playing and all I can think about is: "BREAKING NEWS: Local teen cums in lake"
I'm not on the dev team, but I'm going to guess that if enough people ask, your story could branch out into that if you choose (if it's not already being worked on, that is).
This is a light-hearted story. There will not be any non-consent.
I saw some comments about where to see your stats, and I realized that there currently isn't a way. My suggestion is to simply add a page to see your stats and a tutorial explaining where to increase them. It would really come in handy so you know how to unlock different scenes the you don't have enough strength, intelligence, luck, poise, etc for. Modders are creating ways to do it because people want it, but not everyone can figure out how to mod games without the fear of ruining their save data. I just think it would be a way to help players understand what they need to do in the game a little bit better. Either that, or just explain how to increase your characteristics lol.
That's all. Thanks!
Stats will be basically removed next update. They don't do much except show a few events.
Question, is it true about the cheats if I become a patreon?
Anyone else having any issues installing on Android?
Just ran into an issue myself. Downloaded and installed but got a message "App not installed"
I have a question about Serena saying "Visit the shop at late noon" Is it a bug or Is there some requirements that I need to do? I'm actually stuck in the game. I can't Finish the Main mission without Finishing that Mission.
I read some other comments here it also have the same issue.
Played all over from the start again as the old version (0.1.6) doesnt or rather couldnt be use on the latest version, I did read the other comment in which I have the same problem.
Anyway, that wasnt the problem for me, what I wanted to mention or rather I'm not sure if I should complaining or rant about it, it was the "Duel to Death" to Rita, I did saw the devlog about it, no comment on the part where MC order/ask someone to fight for him, but what I'm reffering to was after the "Duel to Death" or rather the "MC saving Rita" part, does it really have to be out in an open and be seen by the public of you (MC) doing it? Wont it be better to bring Rita somewhere else first and do "that" afterward? I feel like the MC becomes a Total Idiot because of it (unless that is what you intend to).
I got no comment on anything else aside from "Saving Rita" part.
On the other hand I'm happy that the problem in the Gallery (about the replay) was fixed.
And yeah, my bad if its long.
By chance did I miss something on my game my saved are gone....
If you are on mobile, you must extract your save file, re-install, then drag your file back into the original folder. Your file can be found: File can be found in /Android/data/gamename/files
I don't have app extract it fine I'm ok replaying all over again thanks for helping. by chance did you add me new method getting money faster? that definitely would help if Im replaying all over again
I'm looking into it in the next version.
If you upgrade to Android 11, that happens, don't know why though
Im so conflicted with this game. On one hand i love the premise and like where the story is going. On the other hand the mc just feels like such a pushover. Which sucks because he seemed pretty cool to start with but his flare just seems to have vanished.
what versio this is?? 0,1,6 or 0,1,7? becose 0,1,6 is released over 2 month ago then
Patreon already out free version won't be till end of month he said that in update
so sorry if this is a bit of a ramble but but i just wanted to give you my thoughts. i think i've completed most of the current build cause i'm a little after the powder girl gets put in jail.
i feel like for what is meant to be porn game there are shockingly few sex/kinky scenes. the few that are there are fantastic and it is at it's strongest at those moments but they are just so sporadic and little of them that it feels a little disappointing. from my understanding the core fantasy here is basically gathering a harem of willing sex slaves and "saving" them is the context that makes it willing. and the girls fall into lots of popular tropes and archetypes and honestly it's a great idea and your execution of it is great when your focused on it. cumming on the sisters face and having her wear it all night was hot as hell and the nun that was masturbating while you spied and things she said while she did it were amazing. i was super disappointed when it the mc was found out.
the structure of both the main plot and the girls individual stories are all over the place. it's pretty clear the story progresses for each girls in the order you work on them and it shows as i'm playing. i think the game could benefit greatly if you had a more focused structure to work from and filled in the gaps of it when your able. like getting "x" number of girls to "y" affection level to continue the game and then give a decent size section to the main plot. you do that to some extent at the moment but when i say "x" number of girls i mean the number of girls the player is working on at the moment. so many stories can be left for a super long time despite me being interested in a couple of girls in particular. the sister and mother character basically get forgotten about for ages.
i think on average you should strive for about 80 to 90 percent of the affection levels to have some kind of kinky scene. you can mix in some lore stuff in if you want but the sexual fantasy of it is almost non existent at the moment and for a porn game that should be the highlight. context and story can bring the kinky scenes to whole new levels but we need some regular doses of it.
i also think the immersion of it could use a bit of work. the occasional 4th wall break has been a huge immersion breaker for me and cheapens it a bit in my opinion. i get its tongue in cheek stuff but it sucks me out of the moment every time it pops up. i also think some of this kinky stuff should be repeatable in world rather than through the replay feature. it sells the fantasy of building your ideal harem fantasy if say every morning if i go in the kitchen and my mom is there in her naked apron and we will bang if i ask her to. or if the nun gives you a key to a room with peep hole to the confessional cause she gets off on the thought that you might be watching her masturbating in there at any moment without her knowing. and she can have list of kinky stuff she will confess to that is selected at random. or you can choose to replace studying with your sister with cumming on her face to "improve" her magic power. it will give the player a feeling of hitting milestones and let them "partake" in their favorite girls repeatedly while keeping the immersion of it by putting it in the dialogue rather than redoing one time scenes from the pause menu.
sorry if that was a bit long but i was thinking about this stuff at work today and just wanted to vomit them out at you as they came back to me while i was sitting here. i hope to see more from you and i hope you give my ideas some consideration.
edit* as a bit of personal request i would love it if the sister wanted you to cum in her lunch in the morning to keep getting regular doses of "essence" to try and increase her mana. and the mother would jerk you off into it for you in her naked apron.
I agree with in world repeatable being desirable. As the Dev you have made the player completely passive. The player can never instigate a lewd scene in game. They can only hope one occurs when a milestone is reached.
I accidentally deleted this some updates ago, and I didn't really wanna go back, but I think I will, I did enjoy it before
I'm not getting to trigger the Serena Event at Late Noon, she is in 30 affection, but nothing happens. What to do?
Hi this is a really good game ive been playing it for a long time!, Keep up the good work!! : )
Thank you.
I'm curious purple hair pic showed Valentine is that new char?
How do I know when I got to the end of the version cuz I'm at a quest that says it isn't available
I need help.. I can't trigger the side quest of Serena saying "Visit the shop at late noon".. Is there some requirements that I need to do so that I can trigger the event? I'm actually stuck in the game
Because I can't do that side quest, I cant progress through story..
Need help.. I restarted the game from the start and still can't trigger that side quest.. What should I do
did it say work late noon?
No..It just says "Visit the store during late noon"
If it didn't trigger when you to store late noon probably be best ask dev help I don't know why be bugged. Probably best talk jypgames on discord
Could you add a way to see your stats
I'm wanting to play the game. Just want to know if still having updates before start. Thank You.
Just read the development log, it makes it pretty obvious.
I dont get it
Models were made using Koikatsu
Can anyone tell me where is the stat section in the android version i am not able to access it
There is no stat section.
Your writing got better over the updates.
Thank you.
First thing I see on this page "NO NTR" I already love it <3
Because whoever likes ntr deserves to be alone even on their deathbed
NTR is the worst porn genre, and not only is the genre itself shit but the people who like it are shit too
Highly agree. The only thing I hate seeing as much as NTR is old fat ugly bastard
Basically, your girl or boy getting it on with another. You being cheated on. It's... Not good. Not good at all.