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I always put the MC name as Sieg or Sieghart / Siegfried (y'know, 'cause I think it's cool lol) so I was surprised at the MC default name XD


Meh. Decent story, 0 hentai. 4/10

download it if you want to read a 3D Manga of a slice of life. But skip the download if u actually want to have decent nudity. .

First 5 hours of me playing, I managed to get the mother/landlord to have sex. The view was her face, than side view. Didn't see much.

Had to grind out cash for esttie(I can't be asked to check her name again, I deleted the game) which was annoying.  

than I had to deal with annoying ass dumb shit with Serena and esttie. Nearly pulled my hair out, only to be served 0 hentai. I deleted the game directly after it told me to grind out 10k (double what I had to do previously) 

This game is just like all the other visual novels on here. Makes you MEGA grind for mediocre hentai.


Hey buddy just a suggestion but please listen,no need to do but think about it like in the end mc become the top leader or something and give women rights to not be a slave anymore or something and freedom.

(2 edits)

when the v3.2 public realese?

great game also i need moar 


哇,虽然我见过类似“Scarlet Law”的设定,但它实际上依然是非常少见的题材。我很期待作者打磨到最后的成品。说实话,除了和女孩们的日常生活,做些XX的事情,我更期待看到男主角是否能够改变这个“Scarlet Law”,期待着是否会有更大的舞台。比如与大城市里的强大敌人们的对抗情节,又或者男主角成为最大的boss的情节。如果最后的故事能够让人感到跌宕起伏,我肯定会给出高分的。顺便问一下,如果现在就购买(赞助)游戏的话,后续的更新我是否需要支付额外费用呢(哈哈哈哈)。


Wow, although I have seen settings like "Scarlett law", it is still a very rare theme. I am looking forward to the final product polished by the author. To be honest, in addition to doing XX things with the girls in their daily life, I am more looking forward to seeing whether the male lead can change the "Scarlett law" and whether there will be a larger stage. For example, the plot of confrontation with powerful enemies in big cities, or the plot of the hero becoming the biggest boss. If the final story can make people feel ups and downs, I will definitely give high marks. By the way, if I buy (sponsor) the game now, do I need to pay extra for subsequent updates (hahahaha).


Ty for the kind words. The game will always be free. Sponsoring the game is a monthly sub to support the game (and receive the game earlier). Please look forward to the next update.

Is the lag problem on Android already fixed?

great game JYP ! keep it up ∩(·ω·)∩

on the beggining of the game,when i try to click the door,idk why opens the pc,anywhere i click open pc,its a bug?

someone can help me?    


Fun game, love the story so far. Im at that point where if it's a game and it's got good plot, idc about the hentai anymore. I just want to experience some of that SWEEET SWEET SERATONIN from the story lines


Ty. Please look forward to the next update coming soon-ish.

(1 edit) (-4)

Ur profile is beautiful I'm thinking of stealing it.... actually nevermind



I dont know how to play it, i have the files. do i need to download another app


use 7-zip to extract the file after downloading it. (extract to...) then open the game-name app in said folder



probably lmao.

Deleted 2 years ago

not really but the most

cuz you know

(2 edits)

is there an auto-updater or a way to save your progress whenever new updates come out? if not, then i'll probably try this out at another time. Looks interesting.

For PC, MAC, LIN, saves carry over. If on mobile, sometimes you need to move save files, sometimes you don't. I believe this depends on your device, I'm not entirely sure.

oh nice thanks

unlessyou have a noncompatable save like 2.5 trying to go to 3.3

was the celestia beach date an accidental release? It seems incomplete

Yes, unfortunately. It's currently available in the early access of 0.3.1 on Patreon/SS, however.


Why do all these nsfw games have such dystopian themes and worlds I don't get it. Another thing why is it always the elves or "half breed stand in" that always get the short end of the stick and don't have rights or whatever?. aren't they just human but slightly diff.....wait a minute. even with those points I ain't gonna stop playing these games. Great work!


That shows, how much racism etc. is a stupidity. After all, they all bleed red.  Just trying to get by on this lil rock in vast universe.


I'm an alien who bleeds blue and I'm very offended.


Why? Don't be! U r not the only one, and still shud be respected and loved! Cheers, and live long and prosper!



I find these genres more interesting and creative. School games are fun, but I think those are the most saturated nsfw games, in my opinion.

Deleted 1 year ago

I recommend baby wipes to wipe your screen clean of the white stuff :)


Don't use baby wipes, they can destroy your screen. However, they do sell wipes specifically for electronics now, I recommend those instead.

unfortunately this is not possible

(1 edit) (-1)

is there a way to download an older version of the game before it got revamped? I was about 3 quarters through that before I stopped playing and I came back after a bit of time to the new update (which is dope btw). I just wanna see what I missed out on.

(1 edit) (+1)

Idk if I'm tripping or something, but I'm like 101% sure I've played this game before and when I did there was way more content for the girls. Like for the two thugs you met at night, or where you're able to visit Estelle's school.

You ain't tripping he remade the game a year ago  

Oh, is that version still out? Or will that all be included as he's updating everything?

It most likely be, he remade the scenes and the game "system" as a whole, basically started from scratch but I imagine most of the story won't change THAT much and if it will it'll probably be better anyway u just gotta be patient 


There appears to be a bug occurring with Celestia's beach date. It begins with MC talking about Celestia and even includes some of her dialogue, but the character that shows on screen is Sylvia, not Celestia. Also, you get the same options as Sylvia's (Cute, sexy, or cover yourself), then you're immediately taken back to the hallway at home with the mood counter still active.

Yes, unfortunately, thanks for bringing it up. It's currently available in the early access of 0.3.1 on Patreon/SS, however.


This game is amazing keep up the great work!


Heya, assuming there's a way, how do you transfer a save or saves on an android device such as a tablet to a new version when one does come out?


I can fuck Serena,Sllivia,Makoto, Celestia

But why can't I have sex with Estelle 🥲

Probably because it’s not implemented in the game yet

Because she's not comfortable with that yet. But it'll be worth the wait :)


Why can't I fuck Estelle?


because its not in the game yet, be patient my man


Damn i really enjoyed celestias mischief, it was so well done! 


Ty. Please look forward to the next update.


Hell yeah 👍

where can i find Celestia after she runned away? i went every day to her spot at evening, night and might night but she is still not there

never mind. it just took a while

There's a bug happening in the game, the flowers in the park are no longer respawning. I believe it's because I keep using Quick Save and Load a lot to get better flowers (even because it's hard to farm money in this game). Was this done on purpose or is it really a game bug?


Are you selling flowers that you collect? I noticed that if you have too many flowers in inventory they will stop respawn.

The APK won't install and I already have an older version installed, is there a way to fix this without losing my current save?

Extract the Save File, Reinstall then Paste the Save File where it was during the old version.


How do i speak with Silvia in the afternoon? I'm trying to for a quest but i can't find her even though i don't have her on an active job


Cant seem to find her during the evening eithe

1 Question: Will you be able to make more Silvia scenes?

I reckon he will make more in the not so distant future



question on Celestia's golden ticket. is it seriously just a raffle? toss money and hope? that's the only thing i have left to do on the current public build. and i've thrown a good $10k+ at it so far.


It's a raffle. 


I saw the tutorial after I commented. But thanks for the reply!  :)


you'll have to pay quite a bit more im afraid

- Mod



Thanks for your reply. I ended up trying the save immediately before the one that failed, and it worked. Some replay of content I have seen before, of course, but better than a complete replay.

You have stated that this is a rework of a game that was previously quite well developed. I played that original game as far as possible and liked it as it was. I accept it may have had severe technical problems and could not be practically taken further.

However, many of the ideas in that first version were really good, such as being able to purchase and redevelop property.  This increased resources available to the MC vastly and really enabled game progress. It really helps to have to not bother about gathering and selling flowers to cover off the taxes.Taking the girls on dates also seems to be missing. I hope that it is the intention to re-introduce those ideas or something like it soon.  And the dates are a fun "non-grinding" diversion. Even working with the girls seems less fun in this version. I really miss the interactions with Makoto, unquestionably my favourite girl.

Anyway, your game, your call. I look forward to updates.

Best of luck and regards,

(1 edit)

Ty for the kind words. Money is something I'm looking into, along with current tax values. Most people do not know this since it's not brought up in the game but you actually gain more money as you progress further into the story (e.g. more money from working with Serena, etc.). Again, I'm always replaying the game to see and tweak money values.

NOTE: You MUST play the game from scratch. I just read what you wrote previously and DO NOT load from a save before the reboot. You will break your own save (as you are already experiencing).

Hey uhh whens the new version it says that i cant adopt celestia so i need help finding which version that allows you to adopt her or if its still in wip

0.2.11 (the latest public version)

Thanks sexy mf



Thanks for your update, always pleased to see games progress.  I previously had 0.2.7-PC and had a save towards the end of that version. On loading that save in 0.2.11-PC I got a fatal uncaught exception. I can't seem to escape from it. Here's the log:


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 462, in __call__


Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in script

    python hide:

  File "renpy/", line 928, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "renpy/", line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>

    python hide:

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide


  File "renpy/", line 298, in interact

    rv =, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/display/", line 3325, in interact

    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/display/", line 4160, in interact_core

    rv = root_widget.event(ev, x, y, 0)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1102, in event

    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)

  File "renpy/display/", line 48, in event

    return self.new_widget.event(ev, x, y, st) # E1101

  File "renpy/display/", line 1102, in event

    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1102, in event

    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)

  File "renpy/display/", line 727, in event

    rv = self.child.event(ev, x, y, st)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1102, in event

    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1323, in event

    rv = super(Window, self).event(ev, x, y, st)

  File "renpy/display/", line 273, in event

    rv = d.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, st)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1102, in event

    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1323, in event

    rv = super(Window, self).event(ev, x, y, st)

  File "renpy/display/", line 273, in event

    rv = d.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, st)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1102, in event

    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)

  File "renpy/display/", line 273, in event

    rv = d.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, st)

  File "renpy/display/", line 983, in event

    return handle_click(self.clicked)

  File "renpy/display/", line 918, in handle_click

    rv = run(action)

  File "renpy/display/", line 330, in run

    return action(*args, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 462, in __call__


  File "renpy/", line 771, in load

    log.unfreeze(roots, label="_after_load")

  File "renpy/", line 2200, in unfreeze

    self.rollback(0, force=True, label=label, greedy=greedy, on_load=True)

  File "renpy/", line 2014, in rollback


  File "renpy/", line 1932, in load_failed

    raise Exception("Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?")

Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?



Scarlet Law 0.2.11

Thu Jul  7 23:13:32 2022


If you have a suggestion as to how to continue I am all ears, but it may be a problem only you can deal with.


Unfortunately, this occurs when loading from an older save from a certain area. Basically, the code in that area was outdated and needed to be changed. Because of this, roll back was removed, and thus, you cannot load from that save.

(2 edits)

I have now re ran through the game and you seemed to have completely redone it, so what happened to all the other content like working at school etc?


I love this game but about halfway through I accidentaly saved a new game over my half way through the game save file ;-; might come back to it in the future though.


Unfortunate. You should try having multiple saves or checking your auto save. I'm guilty of the same problem, lol.


my autosave was the one I always saved on lol but next time I pick this game up and start from scratch again I will def have multiple save files


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

ScriptError: could not find label 'cele04_04'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 189, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 223, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 248, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 96, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 223, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 248, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 312, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 373, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 248, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 396, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 223, in script call

  File "01_chat.rpyc", line 812, in script call

  File "01_chat.rpyc", line 812, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 96, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 223, in script call

  File "01_chat.rpyc", line 508, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 248, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 223, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 223, in script call

  File "01_chat.rpyc", line 336, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 248, in script call

  File "01_chat.rpyc", line 1047, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 29, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 223, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 223, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 373, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 396, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 248, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 29, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_chat.rpyc", line 508, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 223, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 312, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 223, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 354, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 373, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 45, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 223, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 223, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 335, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_chat.rpyc", line 508, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 77, in script call

  File "01_chat.rpyc", line 1012, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_chat.rpyc", line 1365, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 223, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 248, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 223, in script call

  File "01_chat.rpyc", line 508, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 473, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 511, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_chat.rpyc", line 1047, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_chat.rpyc", line 1390, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 396, in script call

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  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_chat.rpyc", line 1047, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 223, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 396, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 29, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 223, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 296, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_chat.rpyc", line 1623, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 296, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 373, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 296, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 396, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 296, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 396, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 396, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 396, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 296, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 223, in script call

  File "01_areas.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "01_chat.rpyc", line 1012, in script call

  File "01_quests_events.rpyc", line 443, in script

  File "renpy/", line 1757, in execute

    rv =

  File "renpy/", line 918, in lookup

    raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original))

ScriptError: could not find label 'cele04_04'.



Scarlet Law 0.2.10

Thu Jun 30 11:23:34 2022

This game is so awesome is there any new update

Does anyone know how to get parfaits? Every time of day from morning to midnight I can't interact with Violetta

Parfaits are currently not implemented in the game.

Oooooh ok! Thank you!!

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