Followed the instructions but I'm getting a: (ValueError: cannot fit 'long' into an offset-sized iintege) in the logs when I try to open the game. Anyone know what I've done wrong?
Can't be it as the app never loaded, nor have I altered anything in the game files. I just installed the APK, ran it once to load the data folder, put the game file in the files in said data folder.
I tried it on a phone with a broken battery and it worked so my guess is either I somehow broke python on the phone I originally tried it with, or python just doesn't natively work on this device. If you have another guess though I'd like to hear it as it's a pain being stuck to a charger to play this game.
Note: I tried again with the updated version and got a new error, this time after error handling whereas before it happened before loader init.
Full traceback:
File "renpy/", line 275, in bootstrap
File "renpy/", line 492, in main
File "renpy/", line 310, in load_script
File "renpy/", line 782, in load_appropriate_file
File "renpy/", line 731, in load_file
File "src/pygame_sdl2/rwobject.pyx", line 500, in
File "src/pygame_sdl2/rwobject.pyx", line 432, in
OSError: Could not seek: b'Seek offset out of range'
I doubt there is any fix, but again if there is I'd like to try it
Im having the same problem, already extracted the apk but can't move game file to /data bc android 11+ doesn't let you edit that carpet. How should we do this?
I really wish I could just make an APK, but this is the only way to run a game of this size. I'll try my best and see what else I can do to make this problem easier to manage, but afaik, this is the only way.
Don't extract juse move the "game" file into your literal data files for scarlet law and if you successfully get it in there wich is generally easy you should be able to leave and play the actual game.(edit) if you are using an android
How can I play the game? Even if I click on the button right below the game and download it, I can't access the game. It's a bit weird. I'm using a translator, so I hope it doesn't get through.
It was weird. It installed a new folder in my sd card. But It reads the files out of regular device storage. Was tough to get it working but I managed to recover my saves and make it cooperate.
you should add something after like 10 goes of not forgiving celestia that something happens, like she gives up (maybe a scene) insdead of me turning an autoclicker on and leaving it for an hour to see what happens
you can download an app to run the game. From google: AZIP Master, WinZip, Easy Unrar, Unzip & Zip, iZip, and ALZip are the best apps that can extract ZIP files on Android. ZIP files are compressed archives containing one or more files or folders for easier transfer and compression.
Creator, please update the instructions for the Android installation. Your instructions were correct but it was missing one crucial part: put the "game" folder inside the "files" folder in com.jypgames.scarletlaw
And for those who are still unable to install it (Aka the Android 11 users) here's how I made mine work:
1. Search AOSP Files in Google playstore. Download the app that is named "Files" and have been published by "Marc apps & software". You'll need this for the moving of files.
2. Download the game zip file for android from the download links below and unzip/extract the zip file.
3. Open the extracted folder and look for the "com.jypgames.scarletlaw-base.apk" and install it. Run the game and let it crash (It will crash in this step.) This step is needed to create the "com.jypgames.scarletlaw" folder in Android/data.
4. Go back to the extracted folder and move the game folder to internal storage. Commonly the file location is storage/emulated/0 or just internal storage. If you've been using the App I told you to download in step 1, then just click on your phone model or name and paste it there. It should be the "Main Menu" of all storages. You'll know for sure this is the location if you see the "Android" folder in here.
5.[I advise in this step to sort your folder by date "Newest First" to make life easier]
Now open the Files App from Step 1 (if you've been using this app, then disregard that), and select the "game" folder you moved from your extracted folder. Once it's selected (you'll know it's selected if there's a check mark on it), hold it again and you should see that the file is now hovering. Keep holding and hover the file towards the "Android" folder and it should open if you hover on it for a few seconds. Once you're in, do the same for "data" folder, and then do the same for "com.jypgames.scarletlaw". DO NOT LET GO HERE. Only let go once you're inside the "files" folder in "com.jypgames.scarletlaw". Let it finish moving files before opening the game. Double check as well if the game folder is actually in by refreshing the folder.
And there you have it! It should work if done correctly. Hopefully this helps others who are still struggling to make it run on Android 11. I'm not sure if this will work on Android 13 though since they have a different workaround on it.
Zarchiver had an error when moving the "game" folder to android data folder. It will move only 1 file and then manually moving the rest doesn't work either. It's been like that ever since Android 11. Tried moving the file using my PC as well (by connecting my phone to the PC using it's charger cable.), and it won't paste it in the android/data for some reason.
Good day friend. If you manage to follow the instructions and it still didn't work, put the "game" folder in the "files" folder inside "com.jypgames(etc)". I've been racking my head on how to make this work and that stupid was the missing ingredient.
That's weird. Android 9 shouldn't have a problem in transferring of files. Can you take a screenshot of where you put the game folder in and paste it here when you reply to me?
(those who got trouble downloading it with android, you need to unzip the folder then you drag the game folder in. If not u will get crashes)
For info for Rita first scene quest line. Is it possible to do it again as I already missed that part? (or need to new game to get the scene for Rita first view?
The new update my option is game over or game over (drink the poison soup or don't but still drink). I not in discord so a little help will do. Thanks in advance
Frick, yeah this is my sixth time downloading and trying to use it for my android. I Know it's a good game, I played a previous version on my previous phone almost two years ago. I just don't know what to do with installing it on my phone. I followed it to the T on the howtoinstall.txt and I checked the png. Do I need rempy or something?
Consider visiting the #help-desk section of our Discord. Many people have asked this question multiple times and it's possible that you find the answer you're looking for there.
Oh my FLIP, i created an account just to say that the instructions are so unclear, i had to figure it out my self for about 20 min, mayby its easyier on pc idk, but you have to update the instructions for android asap
Good job. Props to the people able to figure this out themselves. I apologize that I can't make it more simpler as the game has gotten too large in file size. Perhaps in the future, I'll find a better solution.
They aren't at all tbh and works perfectly fine.Idk what's up with all these people like I don't understand how the heck would be the instructions more clear than they already are. The problem is that people just don't bother to read instructions carefully and analyze what they actually mean. They don't bother to read anything.Especially nowadays.Maybe make a video showing how to do it eventhough it's already easy enough as of right now
I appreciate the kind words. I think there may also be a language barrier or some folks not tech saavy who experience problems. Our discord has a ton of requests for help in regards to this same problem as well. I really hope I can find a more practical fix in the future so no one will be confused again.
What do I do now that I've downloaded the zip? Even after extraction it doesn't show up in the app list. I'm using Android 8.1.0. It's much easier to install APKs. Anyway, can someone help?
Consider visiting the #help-desk section of our Discord. Many people have asked this question multiple times and it's possible that you find the answer you're looking for there.
Basically, you want to extract the file. install the "base APK" file (make sure you removed the previous app beforehand). Once installed, you want to drag the game folder from the extracted file and replace it in the folder where Scarlet Law is located in.
How do I transfer the save files from renpy online to my android game? I tried exporting the files from renpy on my PC and copying them to my phone in files\saves. But when I open a save on the app it shows: ImportError: No module named revertable
Not quite sure what you mean by "renpy online" but if you mean from PC to Android, I'm not totally sure if this is possible as I haven't tried. You can try accessing your local files and finding your Scarlet Law save from there and exporting it to your phone. Again, not totally sure if this will work or not but certainly worth a try if you need your save.
When I download the android version (I'm on Android) and I try to install it after it gives me a message saying "can't open file, check for compatible app" does anyone know the fix?
What do I do I have no more quests but the game doesn't show the message you have reached the end of this update. Do I just wait or was that the end of the update?
I had this game in a previous version a while ago on a different phone, im trying to install it on my current phone.
I move the game folder to the proper app, system asks if I want to update and so I do. it says game installed. So I open it and it plays the Presplash.png for a second or so then crashes out. I'm so confused.
Any help would be lovely.
-I downloaded file more than 2gb for android - I unzip the 117 things or whatever - I move the labeled game folder to the proper apk- it says it updates and I open - crash out
What I did was delete everything then I redownloaded the zip files and did all that fancy crap and moving files and what not and boom. The game updated and I somehow still have my save files
So do we just go to install the scarlet law apk with every update? or do we have to drag the game folder first to com.jypgames.scarletlaw folder again with every update?
Well I think I screwed up my game. I downloaded the new base game apk it said you sure you want a updated version your progress won't be lost. I clicked ok and now my game won't work. I'm also having trouble moving files to
← Return to game
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Followed the instructions but I'm getting a: (ValueError: cannot fit 'long' into an offset-sized iintege) in the logs when I try to open the game. Anyone know what I've done wrong?
Pretty sure that happens when you load into a scene that has been altered. Try hitting rollback and playing from there.
Can't be it as the app never loaded, nor have I altered anything in the game files. I just installed the APK, ran it once to load the data folder, put the game file in the files in said data folder.
I tried it on a phone with a broken battery and it worked so my guess is either I somehow broke python on the phone I originally tried it with, or python just doesn't natively work on this device. If you have another guess though I'd like to hear it as it's a pain being stuck to a charger to play this game.
Note: I tried again with the updated version and got a new error, this time after error handling whereas before it happened before loader init.
Full traceback:
File "renpy/", line 275, in bootstrap
File "renpy/", line 492, in main
File "renpy/", line 310, in load_script
File "renpy/", line 782, in load_appropriate_file
File "renpy/", line 731, in load_file
File "src/pygame_sdl2/rwobject.pyx", line 500, in
File "src/pygame_sdl2/rwobject.pyx", line 432, in
OSError: Could not seek: b'Seek offset out of range'
I doubt there is any fix, but again if there is I'd like to try it
I don't know why the android download is a zip, but even after extraction it doesn't run... Just instantly crashes
Use an app to extract, like winrar. Then you have to follow the instructions in the file.
Im having the same problem, already extracted the apk but can't move game file to /data bc android 11+ doesn't let you edit that carpet. How should we do this?
I really wish I could just make an APK, but this is the only way to run a game of this size. I'll try my best and see what else I can do to make this problem easier to manage, but afaik, this is the only way.
Im not an expert but if you ran it as an exe you could use joiplay. A few other games use that with large file sizes.
Don't extract juse move the "game" file into your literal data files for scarlet law and if you successfully get it in there wich is generally easy you should be able to leave and play the actual game.(edit) if you are using an android
Yeah for some reason I cant save the game at all
Join at discord and tell this
This is the correct response. Discord is free.
How to do this task?
Anything with the red brackets "(unavailable)" means that it is currently unavailable. You would have to wait for the next version.
How can I play the game? Even if I click on the button right below the game and download it, I can't access the game. It's a bit weird. I'm using a translator, so I hope it doesn't get through.
Join at Discord to know how to play the game
im dying waiting.
Ah yes, the classic "Slavery is cool because I'm not abusing them!" trope. Only real question is: Pregnancy?
I too want to know
Let us pray
We meet again, I hope you remember me
Bro is replying to all , mad respect
Inquiring minds would like to know!<3
I was playing along and got a Image 'story 025-58' not found error. I was able to still click through it.
It was weird. It installed a new folder in my sd card. But It reads the files out of regular device storage. Was tough to get it working but I managed to recover my saves and make it cooperate.
¿Qué idiomas tiene el juego?
Game: gets updated once a month
me 30 minutes after the update releases: where more content
Fr dawg💀
you should add something after like 10 goes of not forgiving celestia that something happens, like she gives up (maybe a scene) insdead of me turning an autoclicker on and leaving it for an hour to see what happens
Creator, Please Fix the download! ;( I Need This new version os This beathiful game
man you gots to risten to dis Mmane. dish 1 beathiful geam forreal
Join at discord brother, you can communicate other people there and ask for help
if i quit game and i don't got patreon all got reseted ?
I think so but let's say, no.
Yo may you please make it for Android can it be an APK instead of Zip
you can download an app to run the game. From google: AZIP Master, WinZip, Easy Unrar, Unzip & Zip, iZip, and ALZip are the best apps that can extract ZIP files on Android. ZIP files are compressed archives containing one or more files or folders for easier transfer and compression.
Creator, please update the instructions for the Android installation. Your instructions were correct but it was missing one crucial part: put the "game" folder inside the "files" folder in com.jypgames.scarletlaw
And for those who are still unable to install it (Aka the Android 11 users) here's how I made mine work:
1. Search AOSP Files in Google playstore. Download the app that is named "Files" and have been published by "Marc apps & software". You'll need this for the moving of files.
2. Download the game zip file for android from the download links below and unzip/extract the zip file.
3. Open the extracted folder and look for the "com.jypgames.scarletlaw-base.apk" and install it. Run the game and let it crash (It will crash in this step.) This step is needed to create the "com.jypgames.scarletlaw" folder in Android/data.
4. Go back to the extracted folder and move the game folder to internal storage. Commonly the file location is storage/emulated/0 or just internal storage. If you've been using the App I told you to download in step 1, then just click on your phone model or name and paste it there. It should be the "Main Menu" of all storages. You'll know for sure this is the location if you see the "Android" folder in here.
5.[I advise in this step to sort your folder by date "Newest First" to make life easier]
Now open the Files App from Step 1 (if you've been using this app, then disregard that), and select the "game" folder you moved from your extracted folder. Once it's selected (you'll know it's selected if there's a check mark on it), hold it again and you should see that the file is now hovering. Keep holding and hover the file towards the "Android" folder and it should open if you hover on it for a few seconds. Once you're in, do the same for "data" folder, and then do the same for "com.jypgames.scarletlaw". DO NOT LET GO HERE. Only let go once you're inside the "files" folder in "com.jypgames.scarletlaw". Let it finish moving files before opening the game. Double check as well if the game folder is actually in by refreshing the folder.
And there you have it! It should work if done correctly. Hopefully this helps others who are still struggling to make it run on Android 11. I'm not sure if this will work on Android 13 though since they have a different workaround on it.
I'll keep this in mind. Thanks.
Works with Rar and Zarchiver too though.Should work with any decent third party file manager tbh.
Zarchiver had an error when moving the "game" folder to android data folder. It will move only 1 file and then manually moving the rest doesn't work either. It's been like that ever since Android 11. Tried moving the file using my PC as well (by connecting my phone to the PC using it's charger cable.), and it won't paste it in the android/data for some reason.
I'm using android 11 mate. You just have to give it the permissions necessary to be able to read and write in that folder.
I need Android 11+ cus I have Android 10
Nvm I could do it. Also found something vary interesting in one of my apps that auto delete things... There saved in the cache files lol
I still can't figure this out
I don't understand the freak I need to do the game keep crashing and the invit for the discord isn't working !!
Good day friend. If you manage to follow the instructions and it still didn't work, put the "game" folder in the "files" folder inside "com.jypgames(etc)". I've been racking my head on how to make this work and that stupid was the missing ingredient.
I did follow your instructions and still crash if I open the game..I'm on android 9.
That's weird. Android 9 shouldn't have a problem in transferring of files. Can you take a screenshot of where you put the game folder in and paste it here when you reply to me?
My game keeps crashing
안드로이드인데 다운을해서 압축을 풀고 앱을 열어도 다시 나가집니다 어떻게 해야하나요?.
Ok i solve to download this game
(those who got trouble downloading it with android, you need to unzip the folder then you drag the game folder in. If not u will get crashes)
For info for Rita first scene quest line. Is it possible to do it again as I already missed that part? (or need to new game to get the scene for Rita first view?
The new update my option is game over or game over (drink the poison soup or don't but still drink). I not in discord so a little help will do. Thanks in advance
why still not functioning even i do the instructions??
Why is the quest where you meet viera in the morning at the orphanage unavailable? Are you yet to complete it?
Anything with the red brackets "(unavailable)" means that it is currently unavailable. You would have to wait for the next version.
if I want some info on the new update do I just hop on discord?
Sure. If you react to the notifications emoji, you'll get pinged whenever I release a new update.
Frick, yeah this is my sixth time downloading and trying to use it for my android. I Know it's a good game, I played a previous version on my previous phone almost two years ago. I just don't know what to do with installing it on my phone. I followed it to the T on the howtoinstall.txt and I checked the png. Do I need rempy or something?
Consider visiting the #help-desk section of our Discord. Many people have asked this question multiple times and it's possible that you find the answer you're looking for there.
What engine or application do you use to create these games?
This is listed in the ABOUT section of the game.
Oh my FLIP, i created an account just to say that the instructions are so unclear, i had to figure it out my self for about 20 min, mayby its easyier on pc idk, but you have to update the instructions for android asap
Good job. Props to the people able to figure this out themselves. I apologize that I can't make it more simpler as the game has gotten too large in file size. Perhaps in the future, I'll find a better solution.
They aren't at all tbh and works perfectly fine.Idk what's up with all these people like I don't understand how the heck would be the instructions more clear than they already are. The problem is that people just don't bother to read instructions carefully and analyze what they actually mean. They don't bother to read anything.Especially nowadays.Maybe make a video showing how to do it eventhough it's already easy enough as of right now
I appreciate the kind words. I think there may also be a language barrier or some folks not tech saavy who experience problems. Our discord has a ton of requests for help in regards to this same problem as well. I really hope I can find a more practical fix in the future so no one will be confused again.
What do I do now that I've downloaded the zip? Even after extraction it doesn't show up in the app list. I'm using Android 8.1.0. It's much easier to install APKs. Anyway, can someone help?
Consider visiting the #help-desk section of our Discord. Many people have asked this question multiple times and it's possible that you find the answer you're looking for there.
Basically, you want to extract the file. install the "base APK" file (make sure you removed the previous app beforehand). Once installed, you want to drag the game folder from the extracted file and replace it in the folder where Scarlet Law is located in.
So like CoR?
How do I transfer the save files from renpy online to my android game? I tried exporting the files from renpy on my PC and copying them to my phone in files\saves. But when I open a save on the app it shows: ImportError: No module named revertable
Not quite sure what you mean by "renpy online" but if you mean from PC to Android, I'm not totally sure if this is possible as I haven't tried. You can try accessing your local files and finding your Scarlet Law save from there and exporting it to your phone. Again, not totally sure if this will work or not but certainly worth a try if you need your save.
Hi can you upload the android in apk maybe in 2 parts because I can't play it my phone don't let me open the file that I need to copy paste the game
This is currently low on my priority list but it's something I might look into in the future. Not totally certain how to create an APK expansion yet.
Just download Zarchiver from playstore and give it access to system files. Android has gotten pretty shitty and restrictive since android 11 ffs.
When I download the android version (I'm on Android) and I try to install it after it gives me a message saying "can't open file, check for compatible app" does anyone know the fix?
Read the instructions and look at the png file bruh
What instructions
"How to install.txt"
My game crash when i try to open, im on mobile, how i fix?
Read instructions and look at the png file. If you can't open the instruction fole then download html viewer from playstore
Which HTML viewer there is a bunch
Is there a discord I can join so I could keep up to date with the game
there is literally a button saying discord up on top...
I clicked it. It doesn't work
It just keeps saying link invalid or expired
it works for me so idk what you have done
i'll link it down here
Yeah no it still won't work
I love this game
What do I do I have no more quests but the game doesn't show the message you have reached the end of this update. Do I just wait or was that the end of the update?
I had this game in a previous version a while ago on a different phone, im trying to install it on my current phone.
I move the game folder to the proper app, system asks if I want to update and so I do. it says game installed. So I open it and it plays the Presplash.png for a second or so then crashes out. I'm so confused.
Any help would be lovely.
-I downloaded file more than 2gb for android - I unzip the 117 things or whatever - I move the labeled game folder to the proper apk- it says it updates and I open - crash out
Thanks in advance
What I did was delete everything then I redownloaded the zip files and did all that fancy crap and moving files and what not and boom. The game updated and I somehow still have my save files
So do we just go to install the scarlet law apk with every update? or do we have to drag the game folder first to com.jypgames.scarletlaw folder again with every update?
What do I do I have no more quests
Well I think I screwed up my game. I downloaded the new base game apk it said you sure you want a updated version your progress won't be lost. I clicked ok and now my game won't work. I'm also having trouble moving files to
When will this game get an update I'm at the part where I need to raise 30k to buy the pink hair girl's sister's contract.
isn't that easy?